1 (one) action is more important than TONS of knowledge

Yesterday I was thinking about why things do not actually happen as I plan and towards the way my life wants to go

I found out that I was just, on my spare time of course, playing around learning a lot of stuff. Maybe following the news or sports the day long in spite of the fact that other matters were more important, in fact they were. I was relaxing and sitting and letting my thoughts wonder around a lot. Of course I allow myself in doing that sometimes it amuses me. I think you know what I mean, don’t you.

Suddenly it struck my mind that my thoughts had been occupying me for a very long time because I have been figuring out how different matters must be solved for the benefits of many. I have strongly directed my mind and asking myself questions needed to urgently being solved.

I had been too much wondering around and creating my world. Alright I know it is important and I say it is so very constructive and because I know that I am a man and we men love to sit down thinking and creating and discussing. Not saying women are not in that need.

Consequently, I am a man of action, so, I acted instantly.
I did what I had prepared and planned for quite a while in my real physical world.
I let my energy loose and my "product" saw the real world for the first time. Created, finished and fantastic and this was something I soon would be experiencing.
I felt that I no longer should wait and even more prepare and plan and thinking.

I acted.

I knew deep in my conscious mind the time was perfect.
And my result from my action that I took now some days ago has already created itself in my life.
I will say directly and even overwhelmingly more fantastic was the effect than I expected.

It is like a stone rolling quickly towards one of my goals in life and this stone is impossible to stop now.

I have worked as a business manager for all my life and in companies own by myself and my lovely wife. I know when things are rolling, moving on. My money making business is not only on the “web”. It is mostly as a consultant, correcting businesses gong into the right track, using their own huge knowledge and experiences and “personality”.

Here is my conclusion for you this day:


Please I want to Show to you The Scienc of Getting Rich!
Anders Jacobsson


Go even to: http://millionsintruepotential.blogspot.com/

Enthusiasm and Inspiration and "the web" and honest informations

It is not that obvious that everyone is going to make money and have the desired fortune with business On-line.

Perspectives and Internet.

Now I want to say that “it is all about information”. The life we live is all about information. When you have the information you are inspired and enthusiastic, you enjoy your life. Mostly, when on the Internet we are searching for information. “It must be out there”, – anyhow it was the reason why I started once and found the overwhelming knowledge and information and that it exist, accessible, anywhere in the world.
Everyday new persons come to the web and new questions are asked and the information is desired. Searching for information is in my mind the most important. It is more than a need, it is necessity.

It is up to us who are the creators of answers - we are important. We will give it to you. Our niche is our way. Our websites serves. We do not liberality create more questions. So we give answers and we offer solutions. You only have to put in the right questions for. We the owners of web-sites, we are creators, publicists, AD, affiliates, Dr etc, we ought to always work on our total best, in giving time and effort also to each person that needs to reach to our website-pages, blogs, forums, or articles etc. We are almost succeeding. We want you to guide us and we trust in our visitors and what they require and give it out.

Discover the Web. The information coming closer to you and me. It’s not a game, it’s real life.

More information will come to you furhter on ...see you...So till then..

Please visit this Web Site:
and download information about survival on "The Internet Business"
written by Craig Johnson a wise man and he has exactly the correct view on this matter.

I strongly advice you to read every sentence of his great information on this
matter. You will be pleased.
Thank You.
Ander Jacobsson