Create Your Future Now !

Your Capacity

Knowing and understanding more about your own hidden capacity, not yet exposed, is essential taking the right steps safely in life.

To really expose and get your personal power more in use and give you a helping hand, we offer you a personal instrument to use.

To get started real quick and get the feeling of what this mind master video series is all about and what it can offer you, I am glad to give you a taste of it today.

Do you want to watch an introduction to "Create Your Future Now?"

If you like to do it, I invite you to watch our videos, and I also give you some words from my writing, and you can find it below. This is for you to get more inspired on your path.

Natalie & Ryan from Mind Movies, Dr. Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor and John Assaraf...thanks for the amazing videos.

Enjoy and You have to hurry,

Anders Jacobsson .

Click Here! Create Your Future Now!

Millions In True Potentials and IT Mode Inc. are Supporting Mind Movies 2.0

Anders Jacobsson - Your Real Life Mentor for at Least One Month: A Transformed And Fulfilling Life

“A Transformed And Fulfilling Life”
Learn the secrets of the
super-Successful such as Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Anthony
Robbins and how you can use them to achieve astounding success too…
Inside This Exclusive
Video You’ll Discover:
The ONE thing without which you
can never enjoy outstanding and everlasting success.
The truth about formal education
and why it makes no difference to your success!
Six traits that instantly
transform you into a leader!
Obtaining great wealth by
changing the way you think!
And so much more that if I tried
to list it all, I’d run out of room on this web page.

Reading, One of The First Editions 
of the book "THINK AND GROW RICH" by Napoleon Hill
I have actually been reading, one of the first editions of the book
"THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill  who was a coauthor of
 "Success Through a Positive  Mental Attitude" with
W. Clement Stone.

You might say that this is nothing special about me reading this book,
by I would like to tell you a little about the story behind me reading
this book.

Business Manager, Anders Jacobsson
I am a business guy, from Sweden, this beautiful kingdom in the north
of Europe that still beleives that a kingdom has something good with it
and by the way, our Crown Princess, our Queen to be, was married this
19th of june, in Stockholm and we are very happy about that of course.

Now I will get to the point, this old book that was given to me by
Phil Wachniak and Carol Wachniak in Chicago.
Creater of:  Heavens Smoothie SeedMilk

Stucked in Chicago
I visited Chicago, a conference arranged by Keith Wellman and Gary
Ambrose, (Internet Marketing, Gateway to Wealth,)  and I had to stay, 
more than planned, because of the Islandic vulcano-ashed made it 
impossible for the airpcrafts to start and land in Europe for many days, 
so there I was.

Carol Wachniak creator of:Heavens Smoothie SeedMilk
I was invited by Carol Wachniak to stay until it was possible again for
me to go back home to Sweden. These wonderful people, whom I did not
know at all before this stay in Chicago let me stay at there home for
many days, during this time I was waiting for my ticket back home again.

This Book, Course and Mentoring Could be worth Millions
To the point, "this book could be worth a million dollars to you," is
written as the first word on the cover of the book.

But this is not all, the book that I hold in my hand is: a revised
edition from 1960, and it has a special energy of being so closed to
the 1st editions.

It says also: All rigths reserved and transferred January 1963 to
Napolen Hill foundation a South Carolina Corporation of Columbia, South

AND I am about to finish this book I think. Yes I will but this is one
of the books that you can read over and over again.

Read Some Think Some
As for me it has been like, read some, think some, read some, think
some. I can, and trust me, say that it is really hard, to put your
minds into it page by page. It is not a novel it is real life disaster
as you page by page understand that you might have been tricking
yourself into a destroying habits of thoughts.

Force Yourself to Win
You must force yourself, to take yourself through this book listen to
the words, consume them and hold tight to the truth in the words.

You will understand by reading this, as it also says in the book, by
reading it you are gradually changed and at one point you will
understand; "think ad grow rich." Better explained in the book the my
words of course,

One of the more down to earth assignment you are given to yourself is
your; "STATEMENT."

I have written my; "STATEMENT"  and I have seen the changes
now. Ok it took nearly a month before I understood why my life
was changing but it has.

Now I am holding on to this life where everything basically are

"Change Your Life"
I was wating for a moment to tell you that things are really happening
due to this method and now the proof is at my side and life is changing.

"Change Your Life" is some of my subject that you can find in some of
my writings.

I will very much appriciate if you study the course that I can give you.
I have also a video that are explaining this wonderfully.

If you decide to take the course and follow what are given to you I can
be "Your Mentor" for at least one month.

I know what this course can give you and if you decide to take the
course I will also send you some of my best books.

Some are my words, some are others.

I would very much be "Your Mentor" for a month and there is always
positions in my calender for my studenst.

Love and Blessings

Anders Jacobsson

Change Your Life to the Life That Fits You Well

Inspired By a Self Miracle

“Everyday Miracle”, is what you have to look up to and then you will get stimulated by your own “Self Miracle” instantly. I guarantee you that. If your eyes and your mind are open and positive, then things are happening.

Learn from Persons - Change Your Life

Find persons, around you, that has achieved even the smallest of self improvement, and learn where they go from that point in life. Is it a friend, is it a coworker. Be neutral and just learn and experience the encouraging energy. At this point I will not explain what a “Self Miracle” actually is, you will know.

“Safe Platform” the Mind power

The ones that has found their Self Miracle has created a “Safe Platform” and from that moment they do not go back. You know for sure what you have achieved. You have no need to talk to anybody about what has happened to you, or put any data in the front. Everything is apparent. The”Safe Platform” is a part of your life. The “Safe Platform” is bigger and more eternal as your life has its true progress.

Change Your Life and Study Children

The simplest way is to learn from children, they have to change their lives every single moment. They are learning a great deal. They see the energy, or better, they see what others do and they like what is happening. I do not at this position say it is about attraction it is more of a need. Self Miracle is a need and is a self improvement, study children’s growth in body, mind and soul.

Awaiting the Results

The best part now, is to know about that your “Self Miracle” is already started your mindset to be stabilized. As you change your life you might not know what everything is about. This is so magnificent and wonderful when you are ignorant and everything is going your way.

Nothing is Happening – Everything is Happening

It is impossible to force life and force everything towards your self-control. I often tell people to be in acceptance, and keep on asking for the self improvement. It is important to just ask and not be too exact, in this part of life when you, yes you, are learning from life.

Realize that “everything happens for the very best.” Then you and life will find the “Safe Platform” and you can go from there.

Life Inspires You and You Can Change Your Life for Good

Now you get inspired, enthusiastic and “suddenly” your life is creating itself right in front of you, unbelievable, what you want are happening and it is fast and quick. It is just as you wanted it to be when you change your life.

Tiny Modifications Might Change Your Life

Follow, just follow and if wanted, do some small corrections and change your life. Now you may well believe that this is not what you want and you wish that things will not happen as fast as it does.
But it is ok, to think like that. There is a reason for you, now to understand your life as it progress. Life has now its tempo and it is like see the sun every morning, no one else is as beautiful as you right now.

Life Suites You Well

Three answers for you to find, as you study your everyday challenge in the way your are thinking comparing with “everyday persons.”

1. Why did this Self Miracle become theirs to attract? (Discuss their needs)
2. Where did they start? How could they get into the flow? (Their actions)
3. Why were these persons “not pushed” into his or hers “Self Miracle?” (Discuss mind power)

Finding the answers are, again, to be a part and be positive. Find the passion inside yourself that you can compare with and it can be a sense of delight.

Tip: “Think of flash in life when you were happy and thrilled with yourself.” Everyone has such moments. Let that positive feeling and memory lift you up.

Anders Jacobsson
Self Improvement Millionaire

Go to: and then “Self-Miracle.”
Anders Jacobsson works as Business Manager and software developer.
Anders experiences has manage more than 230 corporations most of them in Scandinavia.
Anders is in addition a Reverend at BPI, Berkeley Psychic Institute.
Foundation for Spiritual Freedom, Berkley has also widened Anders knowledge in Self Improvement.

Gifts at:

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Anders Jacobsson and the
Anders-Video-Review Team.

PS.By the way you can see me and my wife outside in the swedish winter click: Anders and Monika Jacobsson DS,